
Curious Bunch, you all are:
So, you've made it. Well, I can only give you this much:
Go 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
Welcome, candidate.Currently unavailable, please check below for highlights instead.
You can link up and go through with the correct password. Just mention that you are seeking asylum from reality and that should be enough.Go on, just type:
Only refer here if you want a hint ;)
Hint #1: The letter in Chapter 2 is just CAPITAL - maybe it'll nudge you to the correct password?Hint #2: The answer is a word on this page. Take note of what you're seeking.
I see you've made it to your test. Welcome.
And now, have at it.

To continue, go to:
Only refer here if you want a hint ;)Word #1: Chapter 5 - There are numbers and there are instructions. Can they work together?Word #2: Chapter 10 - The braille asks a question too. What's the answer?Word #3: Chapter 11 - Ying aligned the first number with a word in its statement. You come second. - Answer is 3 words (1-1-3)Word #4: Chapter 12 - What was the other language Ying mentioned here again? Saying she was relieved the puzzle she got didn't ask her to translate it into this?Word #5: Chapter 18 - Typos on name cards are usually something to tsk at. Not this time.Word #6: Chapter 19 - Didn't know leetspeak was part of the equation.Word #7: Chapter 20 - As she said, Capital - Perhaps finding out what they describe can help. Answer is 2 words (3-3)Word #8: Chapter 25 - The note sounds like sarcastic on a keyboard. Unless the improper capitalisation has a purpose.
Welcome candidate. You have passed the Lobby and the Library welcomes you - if you can find it. Choose your next step:North
WestHint: In Chapter 25, which direction is often mentioned through the device?
Great. No dead ends so far. The passageway stretches almost as long as your previous walking path. And you come to your next cross junction:North
WestHint: In Chapter 25, Kassandra left a written note on the map. What are her instructions?
The corridors are increasingly looking like the next. While you hope you don't get lost, you know you have another choice to make in the next junction:North
WestHint: In Chapter 31, the voices that crackle to life when the radio is finally put together tell you the way.
You can feel the energy of the Library coming in - it should be close by. Just one more step:North
WestHint: In Chapter 25, the radio had to run some tests on its audio capabilities. Which direction did the testing phrase include?Password hint: The entrance door speaks its own password. And if the capitals don't work, perhaps it's time to take out the Caps Lock.
The more you walk, the quieter it becomes. You don't know if it things have been repeating, but you come to another junction:South
You thought you heard something and run to that direction. The more you head towards the sound, the more it seems to dissipate. And by the time it's gone, you realise you have no idea where you are. Take your next step:North
The corridors continue to close in on each other, until you hit a dead end. The only way is to turn back.Back
House of Strength | Login
"Welcome to Higher Clearance. Key in the Password for Access."
Spoilers ahead!
(Highlight after the numbers to read your hint)
Hint #1
#1 - The hashtags at the start and end of the various words in the metadata window and in the items of the order form - could they be related?
Hint #2
#2 - This order form is quite special. The numbers shown in the 'cost' column are only one digit. Why? Something to do with the hashtags?
Hint #3
#3 - What is hisname###? Looks like the price numbers and hashtagged words spell something that fill up the spaces that say PASSWORD# (all 9 letters / spaces of it)
Archive Records
"Guardian SG01KF - Key in Password for Access."
Spoilers ahead!
(Highlight after the numbers to read your hint)
Hint #1
#1 - Roman numerals and a direction. What kind of cipher can be affiliated with a Roman figure?
Hint #2
#2 - The position of the numbers tell you something. What kind of alphabet form do the letters look like?
Hint #3
#3 - The password is a 7-letter word. What is the answer to the box's final question (Piece the words found on the faces on the box together to get your question)?
Boston Harbour Warehouse 12
"Please enter Password for Access"
Spoilers ahead!
(Highlight after the numbers to read your hint)
Hint #1
#1 - The typos are not accidental. Perhaps, they are telling you something?
Hint #2
#2 - What phrase do the typos spell out? Something about first letters? Greetings and sign-offs don't count and list sentences start with numbers.
Hint #3
#3 - Can you see the faintest symbols along the border? They should spell out the password if you take note of the numbered places of each symbol. Like so:4♤ 4♡ 2♡ 3◇ 4◇ 2◇ 4👑
THANK YOUFor both your support and playing this little game. I hope you had as much fun going through it as I had making it.~ Joelyn AlexandraCurious for more? Check out my shop.Questions? Lore discussions? DM DISCORD to my Instagram to meet other story and puzzle enthusiasts!
Just in time - so, what are we looking out for?
Just in time - so, where are we going?
Just in time - so, when are we moving in?
Spoilers ahead!
(Highlight after the numbers to read your hint)
1. The two lines spell out the instructions rather clearly. Got a light?
2. But if you use a light against this card, what are you trying to see?
3. The card told you to shine a light, where on the card can you see the word you're meant to see?
4. A1Z26, never underestimate the simplicity of this cipher
ANSWER. - WARNING: Do not highlight this unless you really cannot figure out the answer.
1. Google the phrase "We must be treated as equals...", who said it?
2. The person who spoke this quote holds the key to solving the keyword on the other side of the card.
3. The person who spoke this card's quote is named Louis Braille. Perhaps his name will give you a clue on how to decipher this card's keyword.
4. A1Z26, never underestimate the simplicity of this cipher
ANSWER. - WARNING: Do not highlight this unless you really cannot figure out the answer.
1. Fill in the missing letter, it has been replaced with a number
2. The order in the middle of the arrow should give you a clue on what to do with the letters that have been swapped out by numbers.
3. The replaced letters, if you know your Singapore MRT stations, are E, L, N, E, E, D. Can you put the word together, then?
4. A1Z26, never underestimate the simplicity of this cipher
ANSWER. - WARNING: Do not highlight this unless you really cannot figure out the answer.
1. The quote on the other side of the card seems to have a lot of typos. Too many to be coincidental.
2. Seems like the missing letters spell something - would it be something you can do with the text on the other side of the card?
3. The typos spell out - USE CAPITAL. Maybe it's how you should read the text on the other side?
4. A1Z26, never underestimate the simplicity of this cipher
ANSWER. - WARNING: Do not highlight this unless you really cannot figure out the answer.
1. Nice poem. With lines, words, and letters.
2. The numbers on the other side of the card, maybe they match to the poem somehow?
3. Book ciphers can be really fun. Putting numbers to lines, words, and letters can spell out something in the end.
4. A1Z26, never underestimate the simplicity of this cipher
ANSWER. - WARNING: Do not highlight this unless you really cannot figure out the answer.
Spoilers ahead!
(Highlight after the numbers to read your hint)
1. What is up with all these typos? Maybe the ticket machine hiccuped. Looks like the typos spell something out, anyway.
2. The note on the other side of the card looks worse - what's up with all the weird capitalisations?
3. Perhaps, combining the typos' instructions with the note at the back will help you get to your next step.
4. A1Z26, never underestimate the simplicity of this cipher
ANSWER. - WARNING: Do not highlight this unless you really cannot figure out the answer.
1. There's a series of numbers on the one side of the card and a numbered list on the other. Could they be linked?
2. This puzzle should be quite straightforward. A series of numbers and heck, even the list has the needed words and letters numbered for you!
3. 412 = 4th Line, 1st Word, 2nd Letter
4. A1Z26, never underestimate the simplicity of this cipher
ANSWER. - WARNING: Do not highlight this unless you really cannot figure out the answer.
1. Weird. I never knew people liked spelling words with numbers.
2. The spelling of the word has not changed - the letters were just replaced with numbers. But why? Do the letters then spell something?
3. What's the string of numbers doing on th other side of the card? They're not in chronological order, that's for sure.
4. A1Z26, never underestimate the simplicity of this cipher
ANSWER. - WARNING: Do not highlight this unless you really cannot figure out the answer.
1. The letters may repeat and jumble, but there's order and instruction within it. It'll tell you what to do.
2. Here, I'll help - the instructions start with, "Find the Light..."
3. But even if you do find the light, what are you looking through? Does X mark the spot(s) to what you're looking at?
4. A1Z26, never underestimate the simplicity of this cipher
ANSWER. - WARNING: Do not highlight this unless you really cannot figure out the answer.
1. Things might seem a little clearer if you view this code in 3 x 2 blocks.
2. Of course this agent cannot remember betting slips looking like this. This language is mostly not looked at in the first place.
3. The final answer has 8 letters in total, with the first letter being B. Work backwards from there.
4. A1Z26, never underestimate the simplicity of this cipher
ANSWER. - WARNING: Do not highlight this unless you really cannot figure out the answer.
Spoilers ahead!
(Highlight after the numbers to read your hint)
1. The numbers on the other side of the card hold the key to getting your real report.
2. Think about the hierarchy of writing. What do you write first before your piece is formed?
3. Paragraph > Sentence > Word > Letter. Maybe the numbers spell something.
4. A1Z26, never underestimate the simplicity of this cipher
ANSWER. - WARNING: Do not highlight this unless you really cannot figure out the answer.
1. Yes, the coded letters are in the correct order - left to right.
2. Sometimes, feeling the sunset is better than looking - and maybe knowing that the cipher needs to be felt rather than looked at is the message.
3. The letters are in braille - see what they spell out!
4. A1Z26, never underestimate the simplicity of this cipher
1. Well, that unlabelled constellation is weird. Perhaps shining a light through it will help?
2. But even if you shine a light through it, what are you looking at?
3. Maybe the stars touching the letters can give you an idea of the keyword you need.
4. A1Z26, never underestimate the simplicity of this cipher
ANSWER. - WARNING: Do not highlight this unless you really cannot figure out the answer.
1. Looks like the numbers are replacing letters - wonder what they spell out.
2. Is there any way to determine the order of the letters? On the other side?
3. Replaced letters here are T, H, G, I, and N. You'll figure out the correct order somehow.
4. A1Z26, never underestimate the simplicity of this cipher
ANSWER. - WARNING: Do not highlight this unless you really cannot figure out the answer.
1. Darn. The typos on the WARNING label sure seem too many to be accidental.
2. What do the typos spell? It seems to just be the first step.
3. The typos spell - Note capitals. Maybe that has something to do with the message on the other side?
4. A1Z26, never underestimate the simplicity of this cipher
ANSWER. - WARNING: Do not highlight this unless you really cannot figure out the answer.
Raihana Razale, handed down Guardianship and access successfully. Inheritor unknown for the time being.
Ancient Stories tell of a Prince and a War of the Flaming Bells, believed to have been the inspiration for the Library's logo.
Current Academy movements seem to zoom into the following academics to date:
A multi-dimensional space that makes itself known to the people who need it for knowledge to be used for the innovation and future of humanity.
Kassandra Fong, passed on after self-imposed exile. Inheritor unknown as of today.
As the moral of the story states, in a situation that is willing to be tailored to us, the only things that can be controlled are the mindsets, thoughts, and actions in response.
From the research from the Academies, we have found the current statuses of the known Library Guardians -
Wong Yah Tee, then-known Academic of the School of Medicine
Wilfred Moller - An active academic from the Academy of Politics. Last seen having communications with Winston Fong, Kassandra's eldest nephew. Son of Camilla?
Camilla Moller, successfully handed her access down before passing. Her daughter and successor, however, is also believed to have passed on before Academy contact. Moller still has one unknown son.
Raihana Razale, then-known Academic of the School of History.
Devan Varghese, self-imposed exile and hiding abroad. Academics have yet to locate him.
By the period when it was time to pass the access of guardianship to the next generation, members in the present Council of Guardians have scattered.
Devan Varghese, then-known Academic of the School of Energetics.
In the modern age, the Academies have found that the current-known Guardian, Kassandra Fong, chanced upon the Library, in part with an Academic.
Tobias King - an active academic from the Academy of Politics. Last seen having communications with Kassandra Fong.
Cheryl D'Souza, Amateur (outside of the Academic system), as of founding.
Design. History. Economics. Cryptography. Medicine. Engineering. Combat. Politics. Energetics.
Renee D'Souza - academic in the middle of confirmation from the Academy of Design as of date of investigation.
When the Library was discovered by the seven, each of them brought a different element to keep the library accessible and sustainable.
Kassandra, being one of the remaining Guardians with access, soon found herself in contact or approached by people with knowledge from the Academies, looking for the Library for a plethora of reasons.
Wong Yah Tee, surrendered Guardianship to concentrate fully on his family's business.
Tan Wee Beng, passed on and left no inheritor or legacy instructions - believed to have been terminated.
Camilla Moller, then-known Academic of the Academy of Politics.
Tan Wee Beng, Amateur (outside of the Academic system), as of founding.
As a result, she worked to find the remaining individuals who found the Library with her, realising that some of them either fled, lost access, or ended up dead under mysterious circumstances.
Little is known about this space - it's likely an extraterrestrial or inter-dimensional space - but it is known to be designed to be available for the future and safety of humanity.
As time passed, generations of agents were trained to take its reigns, driven by competition and greed. This forced the space to retreat into seclusion.
Kassandra Fong, Amateur (outside of the Academic System), as of founding.
From this Guardian, the following list are known as the seven said to have found the re-appearance of the Library in Singapore:
Cheryl D'Souza, lost access due to personal corruption. Believed to have been terminated to tie up loose ends by an unknown source.